Run your data analytics in ELIXIR’s federated cloud environment
The ELIXIR Cloud allows you to run your containerized computational workloads in a federation of compute centers spanning multiple ELIXIR Nodes. With the help of standardized interfaces defined by the global life science community, compute jobs are distributed across the compute network according to the requirements imposed by the particular workload, such as data use limitations or time and cost constraints. This is perfect for large scale data analytics, or if your input data resides at various sites.
The ELIXIR Cloud currently supports (with caveats) the execution of CWL, Snakemake and Nextflow workflows, all via the same simple interface. Due to its modular design, new integrations and features are frequently added. Please contact us with your use case if you would like us to prioritize a specific integration or if you find that crucial features for your work are lacking.
Check out the user guide to learn more about what you can do. Or visit Krini, our modern and user-friendly web portal, and jump right in. However, as the ELIXIR Cloud is currently in alpha state, we require pre-registration to run actual workflows. Please reach out to us and we grant you access and, if you like, discuss with you how we can serve your particular use case better.
A simplified vision for the ELIXIR Cloud platform is summarized in this cartoon:
Updated on 15 Aug 2023